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Bihar Board English Class 5th Chapter 11 Solutions in Hindi | My Miracle Mother - Sagar Research Center

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मेरे प्यारे भाइयों और बहनों आप सभी को मेरा नमस्कार। साथियों आज हमलोग इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 5th के अंग्रेजी बुक के Chapter - 11 "My Miracle Mother" (मेरी चमत्कारी माँ) के प्रत्‍येक पंक्ति के व्‍याख्‍या को देखेंगे, पढ़ेंगे तथा सभी के प्रश्न - उत्तर जानेंगे

Bihar Board English Class 5th Chapter 11 Solutions in Hindi | My Miracle Mother - Sagar Research Center

साथियों बिहार बोर्ड क्लास 5 इंग्लिश किताब के आध्याय 11 जिसका नाम है My Miracle Mother हिंदी में बताऊ तो इसका मतलब हुआ मेरी चमत्कारी माँ और इस आध्याय का लेखक है JOANNA FUCHS. इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से कक्षा 5 के आध्याय 11 के सभी प्रश्न - उत्तर को जानेंगे और सीखेंगे, जिससे आप सभी को पढाई करने में हमारी टीम SRC की और से मदद मिले

My Miracle Mother Solutions in Hindi : -

Mom, I look at you, And I see a walking miracle.

माँ, मैं आपकी ओर देखता हूँ, और मुझे एक चलता-फिरता चमत्कार दिखाई देता है।

Your unfailing love without limit, Your ability to soothe my every hurt, The way you are on duty, unselfishly, Every hour, every day, Makes me so grateful That I am yours, and you are mine.

आपका असीम प्रेम, मेरी हर पीड़ा को सहने की आपकी क्षमता, जिस तरह से आप निःस्वार्थ भाव से हर घंटे, हर दिन अपने कर्तव्य पर डटे रहते हैं, वह मुझे बहुत आभारी बनाता है कि मैं आपका हूँ और आप मेरे हैं।

With open arms and open heart, With enduring patience and inner strength, You gave so much for me, Sometimes at your expense.

खुले हाथों और खुले दिल से, अडिग धैर्य और आंतरिक शक्ति के साथ, आपने मेरे लिए बहुत कुछ दिया, कभी-कभी अपनी कीमत पर।

You are my teacher, My comforter, my encourager, Appreciating all, forgiving all Sometimes I took you for granted, Mom, But I don't know, and I never will again. I know that everything I am today Relates to you and your loving care.

आप मेरी शिक्षिका हैं, मेरी सांत्वना देने वाली, मेरी प्रोत्साहन देने वाली, सबकी सराहना करने वाली, सबको क्षमा करने वाली। कभी-कभी मैं आपको हल्के में ले लेता था, माँ, लेकिन मैं नहीं जानता, और मैं फिर कभी नहीं जानूँगा। मैं जानता हूँ कि आज मैं जो कुछ भी हूँ वह सब आपसे और आपकी प्यार भरी देखभाल से जुड़ा है।

I gaze in wonder As I watch you being you - My miracle, mother.

मैं आश्चर्य से देखता हूँ, जैसे मैं तुम्हें तुम बनते हुए देखता हूँ - मेरा चमत्कार, माँ।

Chapter 11 Question Answers Solutions : - 


1. Tell your class the things for which you love your mother most?

Answer - I love my mother most for her loving care.

2. Do you think of your mother only when you are in pain and distress ?

Answer - No, I always think of my mother.

3. Can a baby survive without the care of its mother?

Answer - No, without the care of its mother, a baby can never curvier. Babies are fully dependent on their mothers.


B.1. Answer the following questions in a word or a phrase :

1. Pick out some words that are said in praise of the mother.

Answer - Miracle, unselfish, comforter, encourager.

2. Why is the poet grateful to the mother?

Answer - For her mother's unselfish duty.

3. What is so great about mother's love for her child ?

Answer - Her unselfish love.

B.2. Answer the following questions in a phrase or a sentence :

1. What is the poem about?

Answer - The poem is about a mother's love and care.

2. Can we measure the limitless love of a mother?

Answer - No, never .

3. Why does the mother care for her child all the time?

Answer - She loves her child more than herself

4. Can anybody replace the mother ?

Answer - No.


C.1. Answer the following questions :

1. Why does the poet call her mother a miracle ?

Answer - The poetess calls her mother a miracle for ner unfailing love. Her love is limitless (असाम). She has the ability (योग्यता) to soothe (आराम पहुँचाना) all the pains of her child. She is always on duty unselfishly . So, the poet calls her mother a living miracle .

2. What does the poetess mean by 'my teacher, my comforter, my encourager'?

Answer - Mother is the first teacher of a child. The poet has lerned many things from her mother. So, she calls her mother her teacher. Her mother had comforted her in many troubles (कष्टो). She had encouraged (प्रत्सिाहित की) her when the poetess lost courage in doing something. So, the poetess says that her mother is her comforte and encourager too.

3. What is the attitude of the poet towards her mother ? Support your answer with words from the poem.

Answer - The poetess loves and regards her mother. She is grateful towards her mother. The words the poem which support the answer area walking mother ? Suppor from the poem  miracle', 'your unfailing love without limit', 'your ability to soothe my every hurt', 'unselfishly', 'enduring patience , 'inner strength' , 'my teacher, comforter and encourager'.

4. What does the poetess mean by "I am yours, and you are mine"?

Answer - The poetess considers that whatever she is, it is due to her mother. So, she says that she belongs to her mother and her mother belongs to hers. Saying so, the poetess says that her mother is only her mother and not of anybody's else.

5. Pick out the lines that express the narrator's sense of regret for not understanding the sacrifices her mother had made for him.

 Q5. Can anyone compensate for the sufferings the mother goes through in bringing up her child ?

Answer - No one can compensate (हरजाना देना, भरपाई करना) for the sufferingsthe mother goes through in bringing up her child. The pains which a mother bears for upbringing her child, cannot be done by any other person.

C.2. Answer these questions on the basis of the poem:

1. Make a list of the qualities of mother mentioned in the poem.

Answer - List of the qualities of mother mentioned in the poem are—loving, caring , dutiful , unselfish, having enduring patience and inner strength , a teacher, a comforter and an encourager.

2. Write a few qualities of your mother.

Answer - My mother is also very loving , caring and dutiful. She is my teacher, comforter and encourager.


Look at these words: 

unfailing             unselfishly 

Mark that 'un' in above words is a prefix. A prefix is placed before a word to add to or change its meaning.

D.1. Which of the following word can take 'un' - as a prefix to make them opposites? Add 'un-' before them. Think of other prefixes that you can put before the words that don't take the prefix 'un-'.

Word             -           New word 

selfish           -     unselfish (निःस्वार्थ)
grateful         -    ungrateful (कृतघ्न)
hurt               -    unhurt (बिना चोट लगा)
cover            -     uncover (खोलना)
do                 -    undo (नहीं करना)
able              -    unable (अयोग्य)
affected        -    unaffected (अप्रभावित)
equal            -    unequal (असमान)
certain          -    uncertain (अनिश्चित)
common       -    uncommon (असामान्य, खास)
expected      -    unexpected (असम्भावित) 
familiar         -    unfamiliar (अपरिचित)
happy           -    unhappy (नाखुश) कर 
healthy         -    unhealthy (अस्वस्थ)
kind              -    unkind (निर्दय)
married         -    unmarried (अविवाहित)

D.2. Look at the following sentences :

(a) Sometimes I go by train.

(b) I saw him sometime last summer.

"Sometimes' and 'Sometime' (Some + time) are different words and therefore have different mean "Sometimes' is an adverb modifying a verb as in sentence (a). Sometimes means 'occasionally'.

"Sometime' is a noun phrase naming some particular time as in sentence
(b). It means 'at some point of time'.

You can't say “I sometime eat ice-cream" but you can say "1 sometimes eat ice-cream". Again, you can't say "sometimes next week" but you can say "sometime next week". 

D.3. Fill up the blanks with sometimes' or "sometime' to complete the following sentences :

(a) He ........... calls me. 
(b) He promised to meet me ........... next week. 
(c) We must get together 
(d) It is ........... difficult to know where to begin. 
(e) They played cricket and football and .......... enjoyed swimming. 

Answer - 

(a) sometimes, 
(b) sometime, 
(c) sometimes, 
(d) sometimes, 
(e) sometimes.

E. Rhyme time :
E.1. Pick out the rhyming word from the help box and fill in the blanks to complete the rhyme. One has been done for you.

My Mom is very lovely and ......... kind.............
There is no bound of her love which is ............
She always gives me blessings never .............
My mother is most valuable thing in the ..........
Her affection does not want anything in ........... 
She spends everything on me without any .......... 
My Mom wants me to play in life a good .......... 
We ought to love and respect her with heart and........

Help Box
curse, role, blind, kind, universe, return, soul, concern

Answer - 

My Mom is very lovely and kind.
There is no bound of her love which is blind.
She always gives me blessings (आशीर्वाद) never curse (श्राप देना).
My mother is most valuable thing in the universe (दुनिया). 
Her affection (प्रेम) does not want anything in return (बदले में).
She spends everything on me without any concern.
My Mom wants me to play in life a good role.
We ought to love and respect  her with heart and soul.


F.1. Work in groups and discuss the following:

Some children ill-treat their parents in old age.

Discuss this statement in groups, try to find out why this happens and suggest how it can be prevented.

Answer - 

Raushan :  Some children ill-treat their parents in old age. This is very bad. 

Priya : You are right. We ought to love and respect our parents with heart and soul in their old age. 

Kaushal : We should not forget that our parents have taken lots of pain in bringing us up. 

Raj : I think that nuclear family is responsible (जिम्मेवार) for this cause (कारण). A small family of only husband, wife and children doesn't make children learn to respect their old aged grandparents. 

Rohit : Of course, you are right. And selfishness and greed to earn more and more money doesn't allow young couples  to get more attachment (जुड़ाव, लगाव) to their parents in old age. 

Siddarth : Ethics  should be made compulsory in academic institutions . People would then be aware of the need to look after their parents in old age.


G.1. Mother's Day is observed all over the world. In India, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May. 

1. Write a rhyme as a gift to your mother on Mother's Day.

Answer - 

"My Mother" 
My mother is very caring. 
Her love for me is blind. 
She loves me too much. 
My mother is my first teacher. My mother is very kind.
She is my best preacher.

2. Prepare Mother's Day Card. 

Answer -

Mother's Day Card 
I love and respect you with 
heart and soul ....... 
O, My Mother ....... 
You are the best gift to me in this world.
From ......

उम्मीद है, आपको बिहार बोर्ड के सभी अध्याय का सही और सटीक जानकारी इस वेबसाइट पर देखने को मिला होगा, जिससे आपको अपने पढाई की तैयारी में सही ढंग से मदद मिला होगा।

यदि आपको बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 5 के इंग्लिश बुक से सम्बंधित कोई समस्या आती है, तो आप हमें कमेंट के माध्यम से पुछ सकते है, हम आपको इसका जबाब जरुर देंगे। आपका बहुत - बहुत धन्‍यवाद। धन्यवाद Team SRC ❤️

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