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Bihar Board English Class 5th Chapter 5 Solutions in Hindi | An ACT of Bravery - Sagar Research Center

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हेल्लो मेरे प्यारे भाइयों और बहनों आप सभी को मेरा नमस्कार। साथियों आज हमलोग इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 5th के अंग्रेजी बुक के Chapter - 5 "An ACT of Bravery" (मैं दिन-ब-दिन अपनी कागज़ की नावें तैराता हूँ) के प्रत्‍येक पंक्ति के व्‍याख्‍या को देखेंगे और पढ़ेंगे।

Bihar Board English Class 5th Chapter 5 Solutions in Hindi | An ACT of Bravery

Chapter 5 Solutions in Hindi : - 

There was a jeep on the road in front of a shop. Shankar saw two men putting a heavy bag into the jeep. "This is strange," Shankar thought. "I must find out more." 

एक दुकान के सामने सड़क पर एक जीप खड़ी थी। शंकर ने देखा कि दो लोग एक भारी बैग जीप में डाल रहे हैं। "यह अजीब है," शंकर ने सोचा। "मुझे और अधिक पता लगाना चाहिए।"

He got off his bicycle and hid it behind a big tree. The men went back to the shop and again came out through the open door. They were carrying another bag to the jeep.

उसने अपनी साइकिल उतारकर एक बड़े पेड़ के पीछे छिपा दी। वे लोग वापस दुकान में गए और फिर खुले दरवाजे से बाहर आ गए। वे जीप में एक और बैग ले जा रहे थे।

One of them whispered to the other, "Ah, these pearls will get us a lot of money. We can share it equally." At once Shankar knew that they were thieves. He was a little afraid. His Heart began to beat fast. He was worried.

उनमें से एक ने दूसरे से फुसफुसाकर कहा, "आह, इन मोतियों से हमें बहुत सारा पैसा मिलेगा। हम इसे समान रूप से साझा कर सकते हैं।" शंकर को तुरंत पता चल गया कि वे चोर हैं। वह थोड़ा डरा हुआ था। उसका दिल तेजी से धड़कने लगा. वह परेशान हो गया।

The thieves again went back to bring the third bag. Shankar immediately ran to the jeep and let out the air from all four tyres. After that he got on to his bicycle and cycled at top speed to the nearby police station. 

चोर फिर तीसरा बैग लाने के लिए वापस गए। शंकर तुरंत जीप के पास भागा और चारों टायरों की हवा निकाल दी। इसके बाद वह अपनी साइकिल पर बैठा और तेज गति से साइकिल चलाकर पास के पुलिस स्टेशन तक गया।

He told the police inspector about the thieves. He added, "I've let out the air from the tyres of their jeep". "Very good", said the Inspector. "You are a brave boy. We'll go there at once and catch the thieves. You can come with us if you like." The police at once rushed to the spot and the thieves were caught.

उसने पुलिस इंस्पेक्टर को चोरों के बारे में बताया। उन्होंने आगे कहा, "मैंने उनकी जीप के टायरों से हवा निकाल दी है।" "बहुत अच्छा", इंस्पेक्टर ने कहा। "तुम एक बहादुर लड़के हो। हम तुरंत वहां जाएंगे और चोरों को पकड़ लेंगे। अगर तुम चाहो तो तुम हमारे साथ आ सकते हो।" पुलिस तुरंत मौके पर पहुंची और चोरों को पकड़ लिया गया।

Solutions for Questions and answers : - 


Q1. Imagine you see a boy drowning in a river. He's erving for help. Except you there is no one to help him out. What would you do to save him ?

Answer - I will dive into the river and save the boy.

Q2. Can you narrate any incident of your own or your friend's bravery?

Answer - Once I saw some men beating badly a man. The man was crying for help. But the place was lonely (सनसान). No one heard (सुना) his call (पुकार). I ran to a nearby house and told the persons there about the incident. Immediately they informed the police on their mobile. Then, they rushed to the place shouting Soon the police arrived there and caught the attackers. 


B.1. Say whether these statements are true or false :

(a) Shankar stood behind a big tree.

(b) The thieves removed all the bags in one visit. 

(c) Shankar deflated all the tyres.

(d) Shankar was a very intelligent and a brave boy.

Answer - (a) True, (b) False, (c) True, (d) True. 

B.2. Answer the following questions :

Q. (a) Why did Shankar decide to follow the thieves ?
Answer - Shankar was suspicious about the thieves. He decided to watch the action of the thieves. He wanted to confirm that they were real thieves.

Q. (b) What did Shankar do to get the thieves caught ?
Answer - At first, Shankar let out the air from all the four tyres of the jeep of the thieves so that they may not run away. Then, he cycled fast to the police station. There, he informed the police inspector about the thieves.

Q. (c) Which action of Shankar suggests that he was a brave boy ?
Answer - Shankar had cycled fast to the police station. He had informed the police about the thieves. This action of Shankar suggests that he was a brave boy. 


C1. Write the answer of the following questions

Q1. What made Shankar conclude that the two men were thieves ?

Answer - Shankar heard the two men whispering to each other (एक-दूसरे से). They were talking that those pearls (मोती) would give them a lot of money. Hearing this, Shankar concluded af that the two men were thieves.

Q2. How were the thieves caught ?

Answer - Shankar had informed the police about the thieves. The police rushed to the spot (घटनास्थल) and caught (पकड़ लिया) the thieves.

Q3. What would have you done if you were in Shankar's place?

Answer - Had I been in Shankar's place, I would have used my mobile to inform the police.


D1. Fill in each blank one letter to make meaningful words:

(a)  Str - n -e
(b)  B-cy - le
(c)  W-- sp - r
(d)  S-at-on 
(e)  In- pe-tor 

Answer - (a) Strange  (b) Bicycle (c) Whisper (d) Station (e) Inspector 

D.2. Pick out the opposites of the following words from the story and write them in the space provided : One has already been done for you.

(a) behind - in front of          (E) slow
(b) light                                 (f) far off 
(c) shouted                           (g) coward 
(d) less 

Answer : - 

Words          -      Opposite words from the story 

(a) behind     -        in front of  
(b) light         -        heavy  
(c) shouted   -        whispered  
(d) less         -        more 
(e) slow        -        fast 
(f) far off        -       nearby
(g) coward     -       brave 

D3. Look at these sentences :

There was a jeep on the road in front of a shop. Shankar saw two men putting a heavy bag in the jeep.

The underlined words contain two vowels together. Try to find more words from the story that have two vowels that go together. Say these words aloud and decide where you would put them in the following columns : 

Jeep Heart Goal Good
Tree - Road Door
Speed - Out Poor
Beat - About

D.4. Look at this sentence from the story :

"Very good," said the inspector.

The word "inspector" is formed by adding the suffix "or" to the root word "inspect". Sometimes we add 'er to make new words, as in teacher' (teach + er).

Root word + suffix = new word

Make a list of five nouns that end in suffix -er and five that end in -or.

Try to find out the rules for adding -er/-or to nouns.

Root word + er = new word   Root word + or = new word

 ........ + ........... =                     ........ + ........... =

......... + ........... =                     ........ + ........... =

Answer - 

Read + er = Reader    Supervise + or = Supervisor
Lead + er = Leader      Operate + or   = Operator 
Write + er = Writer           Sail    + or   = Sailor 
Fight + er = Fighter      Conduct + or  = Conductor
Draw + er = Drawer      Distribute + or = Distributor


Look at these sentences :

1. At once Shankar knew that they were thieves.

2. You can come with us if you like. 

In sentence - 1, the word 'that joins two clauses, 'At once Shankar knew' and 'they were thieves'. 

In sentencc - 2, the if combines two clauses 'You can come with us and you The words "that" and "r are conjunctions. Some conjunctions are:

and, because, but, after, unless, or, yet, otherwise, as, hence, though, before, till, therefore, when, who, why, where, until 

E.1. Go through the story once again and encircle and encircle the conjunctions.

Answer - The conjunctions used in the story are—and, that, if etc.

E.2. Read the following passage carefully and insert appropriate conjunctions. You may choose the conjunctions from the Help Box.

A man was at work ......... he received a phone call ......... his wife was very sick with a fever. He left his office ......... stopped at a pharmacy to get some medicine for his wife. When he returned to his car, he found he had locked his keys in the car. He didn't know what to do. At once he caught sight of an old friend, Joseph ....... used to live with him. Joseph helped his friend ........ he could reach his home soon.


when, so that , who, and, that

Answer - A man was at work when he received a phone call that his wife was very sick with a fever. He left his office and stopped at a pharmacy to get some medicine for his wife. When he returned to his car, he found he had locked his keys in the car. He didn't know what to do. At once he caught sight of an old friend, Joseph who used to live with him. Joseph helped his friend so that he could reach his home soon.

E.3. Combine these sentences with suitable conjunctions:

(a) Let's go home. It is night. 
(b) Birds can fly. Animals cannot fly. 
(c) He is poor. He is happy. 
(d) Wait here. I'll return soon. 
(e) People say. Honesty is the best policy. 

Answer - 

(a) Let's go home because it is night. 
(b) Birds can fly but animals cannot fly. 
(c) He is poor but is happy. 
(d) Wait here as I'll return soon.
(e) People say that honesty is the best policy. 

Group work

Look at the picture given below and study the situation. Ask and answer the questions such as the following. You may add a few more questions.

Q. Why do you think people are running out of the house?

Answer - A. The house has caught on fire.

Q. What are the people doing to put out the fire? 

Answer - A: People are throwing water from the buckets on the fire.

Q. Who has been caught in the fire ? 

Answer - A. People living in the house have been caught in the fire.

Q. What is the man doing ? 

Answer - A. The man is carrying his child with him. 

Q. What is the woman doing inside the house? 

Answer - A. The woman is shouting for help from inside the house.

Q. In what things are the people carrying water? 

Answer - A. People are carrying water in the buckets.

Q. What kind of house is on fire ?

Answer - A. A hut is caught on fire.


Imagine you have caught a thief. Here are some details of his appearance; based on these details write a brief description of the thief.

His looks : height : 5 ft 6 inches, black hair with a grey patch

Features of the face : long face, toothbrush moustache, spectacles on the nose, chicken pox marks on the cheeks

Age : approximately 45 years

Dress : white shirt, black trousers and a red scarf.

Answer - I had caught a thief last week. The thief's height seemed to be about 5 ft 6 inches. His hair was black with a grey patch. He had a long face. He had a toothbrush type moustache. He wore new spectacles on his nose. There were chicken pox marks on his cheeks. His age was approximately 45 years. He wore a white shirt with black trousers and wore a red scarf around his neck. 


Every year on the Republic Day, the President of India gives away Bravery Awards to some children who have shown acts of bravery during the year.

Collect photographs of two brave students of your school. Paste their pictures and write in 1-2 sentence what brave  actions one of them had performed.

Chapter 6 Solutions👉 - The Old Man And His Grandson
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