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Bihar Board Class 6th English Chapter 1 Solutions in Hindi | My Mother - Sagar Research Center

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नमस्कार मेरे प्यारे भाइयों और बहनों, आज हमलोग इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 6th के अंग्रेजी बुक के चैप्टर वन "My Mother" (मेरी मां) के प्रत्‍येक पंक्ति के व्‍याख्‍या को देखेंगे और पढ़ेंगे।

Bihar Board Class 6th English Chapter 1 Solutions in Hindi | My Mother

Chapter 1 Solutions English to Hindi : - 

Who sat and watched my infant head When sleeping on my cradle bed, And tears of sweet affection shed? My mother.

मेरे पालने के बिस्तर पर सोते समय कौन बैठा और मेरे शिशु के सिर को देखता रहा, और मधुर स्नेह के आँसू बहाता रहा? मेरी माँ।

When pain and sickness made me cry, Who gazed upon my heavy eye? And wept for fear that I should die? My mother.

जब दर्द और बीमारी ने मुझे रुलाया, तो मेरी भारी आँखों को किसने देखा? और इस भय से रोया कि कहीं मैं मर न जाऊं? मेरी माँ।

Who ran to help me when I fell And would some pretty story tell, Or kiss the place to make it well? My mother.

जब मैं गिर गया तो कौन मेरी मदद करने के लिए दौड़ा और क्या कोई सुंदर कहानी सुनाएगा, या उस जगह को चूमकर उसे ठीक कर देगा? मेरी माँ।

And can I ever cease to be Affectionate and kind to thee, Who was so very kind to me? My mother?

और क्या मैं कभी भी आपके प्रति स्नेहपूर्ण और दयालु होना बंद कर सकता हूं, जो मेरे प्रति इतना दयालु था? मेरी माँ?

Ah, no! the thought I cannot bear, And if God please my life to spare, I hope I shall reward thy care, My mother!

आह, नहीं! मैं इस विचार को सहन नहीं कर सकता, और यदि भगवान मेरी जान बख्श दें, तो मुझे आशा है कि मैं तुम्हारी देखभाल का प्रतिफल दूँगा, मेरी माँ!

When thou art old, feeble and grey, My healthy arm shall be thy stay, And I'll soothe thy pains away, My mother!

जब तुम बूढ़े, कमजोर और भूरे हो जाओगे, तो मेरी स्वस्थ बांह तुम्हारा सहारा बनेगी, और मैं तुम्हारे दर्द को दूर कर दूंगा, मेरी माँ!

Bihar Board Class 6th English Chapter 1 Questions and Answers : -

A. Warmer : - 

Question 1. When Ever in trouble or pain the word "Maa" comes naturally to us. Can you explain why it is so? 

Answer - We are very deeply attached to our mother so whenever we are in trouble the word "MAA" comes naturally to us.

B. Comprehension: - 

B.1. Think and Tell : - 

Question 1. Who cares for the infant?
Answer - Our Mothers.

Question 2. Why does the mother weep when her child falls ill?
Answer - Fearing for her child's death.

Question 3. What does she do when her child falls down?
Answer - She told a pretty story. She also kisses on the injured place to make it well.

Question 4. What will you do for your mother when she is old?
Answer - Will take care of my mother. I will be ready to soothe her pains away, when she is old.

B.2 Think and Write : - 

B.2.1 Answer in a word or a sentence.

Question 1. Who wrote this poem?
Answer - Taylor

Question 2. What does a mother do when her child is very young?
Answer - A mother, loves, takes care and feed her child when her child is very young.

Question 3. The mother wept when her child was ill. What fear did she have?
Answer - She feared of her child's death.

B.2.2. Answer in not more than 50 words. 

Question 1. How can you say that a mother loves her child very much?
Answer - A mother gazes her infant child and shed her affection. When her child gets ill she fears of the child's death. When her child fells she tells her story and kisses on the place to make it well.

Question 2. Why should we not be unkind to our mother?
Answer - Our mother has given us life. She has taken a lot of pain to make us grow-up. She has nursed us for day and night when we became ill in childhood. So, we should not be unkind to our mothers.

Question 3. Can you ever be unkind to your mother? Give reasons for your answer.
Answer - No, I can never be unkind to my mother. I have seen this world because of my mother. She is next to god to me. She has taken a lot of pain to bring me up. So, I can never be unkind to my mother.

Question 4. Write an incident of your life which shows your mother's intimate affection towards you.
Answer - Once i was playing. I fell down. I got hurt in my knees. My mother became very worried. She put ointment on my knees. She brought a glass of hot milk. Then, she told me a pretty story. She always asked about my pain the whole day. When i assured her that there was no pain me, then only she become to ease.

C. Word Power : - 

C.1 Go through the text again and again and find out the words of the same meaning : - 

I. Love ...............
II. Illness ..........
III. Lovely .........

Answer : - 

I. Affection 
II. Sickness
III. Pretty 

D. Translation : - 

D.1 Translate the following lines from the poem into your mother tongue : - 

When pain and sickness made me cry, 
Who gazed upon my heavy eye?
And wept for fear that I should die?
My Mother.

जब दर्द और बीमारी से मै रोया, किसने मेरी भारी ऑंखों को निहारा ?
और इस डरके साथ रोई कि कही मै मर न जाऊ ? मेरी माँ 

Read also Chapter 2 - The Boy Who Lost His Appetite

उम्मीद है, आपको बिहार बोर्ड के सभी अध्याय का सही और सटीक जानकारी इस वेबसाइट पर देखने को मिला होगा, जिससे आपको अपने पढाई की तैयारी में सही ढंग से मदद मिला होगा।

यदि आपको बिहार बोर्ड कक्षा 6 के इंग्लिश बुक से सम्बंधित कोई समस्या आती है, तो आप हमें कमेंट के माध्यम से पुछ सकते है, हम आपको इसका जबाब जरुर देंगे। आपका बहुत - बहुत धन्‍यवाद

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